I love apps. Those small products have made my life easier, more productive and helped me stay on track of what I want to do (unless YouTube is luring me into its deep net of videos)


My favorite yoga app. It is an app, where you can customize your yoga sequence in several different ways: length or session, kind of session (Hatha, restorative, aerobic…), area to focus on (back strengthening, core, …).

I use the paid version to use even more of the features and often download the sessions that I really liked to use at a later stage, i.e. when I don’t have wifi.

The start page of the app with the options to create a personalized yoga practice which is never the same even if you keep the same parameters!

Insight Timer
My meditation app of choice. The free version is more than sufficient and you can find guided meditation sessions as well a detailed timer to time your meditation session and potentially underlie it with music, gongs, etc.

Goal Tracker
My personal favorite to help me keep track of my daily routine. Whether you want to remind yourself to journal every night, do your morning workout or work on your Spanish: The app lets you set a ‘goal’ that you want to accomplish in certain frequencies (once a day, once a week,etc.) You can get notifications or simply check for yourself in the app what you still need to get done. Once done you can set a nice checkmark, Like that you have an overview of your weekly and monthly progress. I have found it has helped me stick to my ‘habits’ that I usually have at home. And seeing my goal turn from a nice blue to black and finally read when not keeping up with up has motivated me to keep going 🙂

(–> also see my post ‘Having a routine when traveling‘)

This app is sort of a digital journal. It asks you every night how your day has been and you can fill in the information in the form of little signs, showing which actions, e.g. work, reading, relaxing… you did. You will also give your day an overall smiley that shows your emotional state and can add notes explaining everything. I like thinking about my overall mood of the day, especially if I had something stressful happening because it makes me rethink, how big of an impact that situation really had on my overall mood.

I’ve tried many different to-do lists and ended up with one
. You can set a task and a time to get reminded to do this task and also set repeating reminders for things you have to get done every day. I have to admit I’m not sure how I’d remember all my to-do’s without this app (otherwise I might still have sticky notes all over the place!)


EDIT: Wunderlist is sadly no longer available. I’ve been trying out other to-do apps and there’s a ton of great apps out there! The one I’m enjoying right now is called Bright To-Do

Are you using the same password for every account you need a password for? Or are you used to clicking on the ‘forgot password’ section? I struggled a lot trying to remember all my passwords until I finally got a password app. You have a master password needed to enter the app and from reviews, it seems to be very safe. I might still have the German mindset of never give out your data so I still don’t put my complete password but only something that reminds me of it. At least all the information is in one place. 


What apps make your life better?


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